@দরিয়ানগর কবিতামেলা উদযাপন কমিটি


Monday, October 4, 2010



My dear poet,
This is Huda (Mohammad Nurul Huda) from Bangladesh. I am founder chairman of KabitaBangla (PoetryBengal), a nationwide poetry forum of Bangladesh. I come from Cox's Bazar, the longest sea-beach of the world, located at the southern coast of Bangladesh bordering the Bay of Bengal. We hold poetry fair every year in Cox's Bazar, also known as Darianagar (Sea-city). This year the fair is expected to take international color with participation of eminent poets from SAARC region and beyond.
I am writing to invite you to attend the fair, scheduled to be held on 4, 5 and 6 December, 2010. We offer local hospitality to the foreign poets during their stay in Bangladesh, but unfortunately we are unable to bear their travel cost (air-ticket etc) from abroad/their homeland to Dhaka due to our financial inadequacy.
Once you reach Dhaka, we would take care of your accommodation, food and travel inside Bangladesh. Poetry reading, recitation, discussion on contemporary poetic trends, sight-seeing and free interaction for reading and writing are some of the common features of this fair. However, our ultimate goal is to stimulate creativity, promote peace and share diverse aesthetic experiences of the practicing poets of today's world. We have a humble slogan, 'Poetry for Human Beauty.' This is now turning into an annual event in the country.
Please send me your resume (say 150 words), a passport size photograph, some poems in English translation and other information, if you find it convenient to attend the fair.
You may look into our website: darianagarkabitamela.blogspot.com for more information.
I am looking forward to hearing from you at the earliest.

Best regards,
Mohammad Nurul Huda
October 4, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Registration Form : নিবন্ধন পত্র

দরিয়ানগর কবিতামেলা ১৪১৭
2nd Darianagar Poetryfair 2010
৪, ৫ ও ৬ ডিসেম্বর ২০১০ শনি, রবি ও সোম

নিবন্ধন পত্র

আমি মুক্তিযুদ্ধের চেতনাবাহিত স্বাধীন সার্বভৌম জাতিরাষ্ট্র বাংলাদেশ, সৃষ্টিশীলতা, গণতন্ত্র, অসাম্প্রদায়িক
সমাজব্যবস্থা, সুষম অর্থনৈতিক বিন্যাস ও বিশ্বশান্তিতে বিশ্বাসী একজন মানবতাবাদী কবি। আমি আয়োজক কর্তৃপক্ষের যাবতীয় নিয়মাবলি মেনে এই মেলায় অংশগ্রহণ করতে চাই। আমার সম্পর্কিত তথ্য সংক্ষেপে নিচে প্রদান করা হলো:

নাম :.....................................................................................

পিতার নাম :.....................................................................................

মাতার নাম :.....................................................................................

জন্ম তারিখ :.....................................................................................

জন্মস্থান :.....................................................................................

স্থায়ী ঠিকানা :.....................................................................................

বর্তমান ঠিকানা :.....................................................................................


প্রকাশিত গ্রন্থসংখ্যা/সর্বশেষ গ্রন্থ/কবিতাবলি :.....................................................................................


যে দেশের নাগরিক :................................................................পেশা:................

অন্যান্য তথ্য :.....................................................................................


(ক) বৃহত্তর চট্টগ্রামের বাহির থেকে আগত কবি (যাতায়াতসহ) প্রতিজন ৩ দিন ৩,০০০/- টাকা
(খ) ১. বৃহত্তর চট্টগ্রাম থেকে আগত কবি (যাতায়াত ছাড়া) প্রতিজন ৩ দিন ১,৫০০/- টাকা
২. চট্টগ্রামের বাহির থেকে আগত কবি (যাতায়াত ছাড়া) প্রতিজন ৩ দিন ১,৫০০/- টাকা
(গ) দরিয়ানগরের কবি (যাতায়াত ও আবাসন ছাড়া) প্রতিজন ৩ দিন ১,০০০/- টাকা

মেলার স্থান সমূহ: ৪ ডিসেম্বর ২০১০, শহীদ মিনার প্রাঙ্গন, কক্সবাজার সাংস্কৃতিক কেন্দ্র।
৫ ডিসেম্বর ২০১০, দরিয়ানগর পর্যটন কেন্দ্র, কক্সবাজার সাংস্কৃতিক কেন্দ্র মিলনায়তন, কবিতা চত্বর।
৬ ডিসেম্বর ২০১০, সেন্টমার্টিন, টেকনাফ।

মৎপ্রদত্ত তথ্যের আলোকে আমাকে নিবন্ধন প্রদান করা হলে আনন্দিত হবো।


নিবন্ধন করা হলো।
নিবন্ধন নং-


স্থায়ী/সমন্বয় কমিটি
২য় দরিয়ানগর কবিতামেলা ১৪১৭

* প্রত্যেক নিবন্ধিত কবিকে তাঁর কবিতাগ্রন্থের অন্তত একটি কপি মেলার স্টলে প্রদর্শনের জন্য প্রদান করতে অনুরোধ জানানো হলো।
* ক-গ্রুপ অন্যান্য ব্যবস্থাপনার সাথে যাতায়াত ও আবাসন এবং খ-গ্রুপ অন্যান্য ব্যবস্থাপনার সাথে আবাসন সুবিধা পাবেন।

যোগাযোগঃ কক্সবাজার- ০১৯১৫৪৬৮৪৫১, ০১৮২১৮১৮৫৮৬, ০১৭১২২১০৭০৪, ০১৮১৫৪৩৮৫৮৬, ঢাকা- ০১৮১৯৭২১৭১৫

program sheet : কর্মসূচী

২য় দরিয়ানগর কবিতামেলা ১৪১৭
৪, ৫ ও ৬ ডিসেম্বর ২০১০ শনি, রবি ও সোমবার
আয়োজনে: কবিতাবাংলা দরিয়ানগর

খসড়া কর্মসূচী

০৪ ডিসেম্বর
স্থান: কেন্দ্রীয় শহীদ মিনার, কক্সবাজার

সকাল ৭.৩০ : জমায়েত
সকাল ৮.০০ : কবিবরণ, নিবন্ধন, উত্তরীয় পরিধান ইত্যাদি
সকাল ৮.৩০ : শহীদ বেদীতে পূষ্পার্ঘ অর্পন
সকাল ৯.০০ : কবিদের সম্মিলিত শপথগ্রহণ
সকাল ৯.১৫ : কবিতামেলার ঘোষনাপত্র পাঠ
সকাল ১০.০০ : কবিতার শোভাযাত্রা (শান্তি র্প্রাথনা সহ)

স্থান: কক্সবাজার সাংস্কৃতিক কেন্দ্র
সকাল ১০.৩০ : আনুষ্ঠানিক পতাকা উত্তোলন
সকাল ১১.৩০ : আলোকচিত্র ও পুস্তকপ্রর্দশনী উদ্বোধন
সকাল ১১.৩০ : ঐতিহ্যবাহী পিঠা-উৎসব উদ্বোধন
সকাল ১১.৪৫ : কবিতামেলার উদ্বোধনী আলোচনা
দুপুর ১.১৫ : সম্মাননা ঘোষণা ও স্মারক প্রদান
বেলা ২.০০ : মধ্যাহ্ন ভোজ
বিকেল ৩.১৫ : সেমিনার: সমকালীন বাংলা কবিতার সনাক্তযোগ্য প্রবণতা
বিকেল ৫.০০ : কবিকন্ঠে কবিতা (আমন্ত্রিত দেশি-বিদেশি কবিবৃন্দ)
সন্ধা ৮.০০ : সাংস্কৃতিক অনুষ্ঠান কবিতার পাঠাভিনয় ও লোকনৃত্য
রাত ৯.০০ : নৈশভোজ
রাত ১০.০০ : কবিদের সমুদ্রদর্শন

৫ ডিস্বেম্বর
স্থান: কক্সবাজার সাংস্কৃতিক কেন্দ্র

সকাল ৮.০০ : দরিয়ানগর পর্যটন কেন্দ্রে নিসর্গযাপন
সকাল ৮.৩০ : কবিটং ও কবিচূড়ায় কবিতার মুক্তসময়
সকাল ১০.৩০ : কক্সবাজার সাংস্কৃতিক কেন্দ্রে প্রত্যার্বতন
সকাল ১১.৩০ : সেমিনার: সমকালীন বিশ্বকবিতার নতুন প্রবণতা
দুপুর ১.৩০ : মধ্যাহ্ন ভোজ
বিকেল ৩.০০ : শহীদ মিনারে কবিবন্ধন
বিকেল ৩.১৫ : দরিয়ানগর ঘোষণা
বিকেল ৩.৩০ : কবিতা-চত্বরের উদ্দেশ্যে কবিযাত্রা
বিকেল ৩.৪৫ : কবিতা-সরণীর নাম ফলক উম্মোচন
বিকেল ৪.১৫ : কবিতা-চত্বরে কবি হুদা মঞ্চের শুভ উদ্বোধন
বিকেল ৪.৩০ : কবিকন্ঠে কবিতা পাঠ (দরিয়ানগরের কবি ও আমন্ত্রিত কবিবৃন্দ)
সন্ধ্যে ৬.০০ : বিভিন্ন দেশের কবি-প্রতিনিধি কর্তৃক প্রজ্বালিত ফানুস উড্ডয়ন
সন্ধ্যে ৬.১৫ : প্রাঙ্গনব্যাপী শিখা-প্রজ্বালন (সমবেত কবিবৃন্দ)
সন্ধ্যে ৬.৩০ : কবিকন্ঠে কবিতাপাঠ (দরিয়ানগরের কবি ও আমন্ত্রিত কবিবৃন্দ)
রাত ৮.০০ : কাব্যগীতিনৃত্য
রাত ৯.৩০ : শান্তিসৈকত ঘোষণা
রাত ৯.৪৫ : বিশ্বশান্তির জন্যে র্প্রাথনা ও অইন পুয়ানী অনুষ্ঠান
রাত ১০.৪৫ : সৈকতে নৈশভোজ

৬ ডিসেম্বর

স্থান: কক্সবাজার সাংস্কৃতিক কেন্দ্র

সকাল ৬.০০ : টেকনাফের উদ্দেশ্যে যাত্রা
সকাল ৯.০০ : জাহাজে নাফ-বিহার
সকাল ৯.৩০ : নিসর্গযাপন
সকাল ১০.০০ : দরিয়ানগর কবিতাবাংলা-র নবনিযুক্ত কমিটি পরিচিতি
সকাল ১১.০০ : কবিকন্ঠে কবিতা পাঠ
দুপুর ১২.০০ : প্রবালদ্বীপ সেন্টমার্টিনে নিসর্গযাপন
বেলা ১.০০ : কবিবন্ধন ও সেন্টমার্টিন ঘোষণা
দুপুর ২.০০ : প্রবালদ্বীপে মধ্যাহ্নভোজ
বিকেল ৩.০০ : জাহাজে ফিরতিযাত্রা
বিকেল ৪.৩০ : নাফমোহনায় আতশবাজি ও সমাপণী অনুষ্ঠান
সন্ধ্যে ৫.৩০ : ঐতিহাসিক মাথিনের কূপ পরির্দশন
সন্ধ্যে ৬.৩০ : সমাপ্তিযাত্রা

কামরুল হাসান
প্রধান সমন্বয়ক
দরিয়ানগর কবিতামেলা উদযাপন কমিটি

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Poet, Professor, Translator, Essayist, Novelist, Folklorist, IPR-Specialist, Columnist

2. Father: Late Haji Mohammad Sekander
3. Mother : Anjuman Ara Begum
4. Date and place of Birth : 30 September 1949. Poak Khali, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
5. Present mailing address : 117, Shantibag, Dhaka 1217 (First Floor).
01711 545173 (cell),
email : hudamno4@yahoo.com
6. Permanent Address : Village and Post Office : Poak Khali, PS : Cox’s Bazar,
District : Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.
7. Education and Training : B.A. (Hons) M.A. (English) Dhaka University (1971-72)
Research Intern (East-West Center, University of Hawaii. (1985-86)
8. Positions (former) : (a) Former Director, Bangla Academy, Dhaka.
(b) Former Project Director, Young Writers’ Project, Bangla Academy.
(c) Former Executive Director, Nazrul Institute, Dhaka.
(d) Editor and Chief Coordinator, Project on Folk Songs of Bangladesh (Publication and Performance), under Asiatic Society, Bangladesh.
9. Positions (Present): (a) Dean, Faculty of Human Sciences, Darul Ihsan University.
(b) Head, Department of English language and Literature,
Darul Ihsan University, Dhaka.
(c) President, Bangladesh Writers’ Club;
(d) President, Bangladesh Writers' Copyright Society.
(e) Consultant, WIPO, Geneva (For TK and TCEs of Banglades).
(f) Member, Copyright Board, Bangladesh.
(g) Editor, Darul Ihsan Studies
10. Experiences (Professional activities and association with learned bodies) :
Five Years’ teaching experience in College and University level (1970-1975) plus fours years (2006-2010) as Adjunct Professor, Professor, Head, ELL and Dean, Human Sciences in Darul Ihsan University. Bangla Academy service 34 years (since 1973), Executive Director Nazrul Institute (1996-2001 February), Project Director and Chief Instructor, Young Writer’s Project, Bangla Academy (1995-1996), Executive Editor, Bangla Academy Journal (till 2006), Member-Secretary, Amar Ekushey Granthamela (5 times), Member-Secretary, Nazrul Birth Centenary (1998-2000), President, Bangladesh Writers Club (since 2001), Member, American Folklore Society (since 1994), Member, ISFNR (International Society for Folk Narrative, since 1995), Fellow, Bangla academy (since 1988), Instructor, Computer Training in Bangla Academy. Consultant, WIPO. Professor of English language and literature in Darul Ihsan University, Dhaka since 2007. Now also working as Dean, Faculty of Human Sciences, DIU.
12. International Organizations visited : UNESCO, WIPO, KIPO, IIPTI, EAST-WEST CENTER, ISFNR etc.
13. Awards Received : More than a dozen from Bangladesh and abroad including Bangla Academy Literary Award (1988), Poet of International Merit (ISP, 1995 Maryland, USA), Poet of the Year nominated (ISP, Maryland, USA, 1995), President’s Honor from Turkey (1996), Mahadiganta Poetry Award (Calcutta), 2007.
14. Publications : More than 100 titles published so far. Some English titles are Selected Poems (poems), Flaming Flowers : Poets’ Response to the Emergence of Bangladesh (research), Nazrul : an Evaluation (edited essays), Poetry of Kazi Nazrul Islam in English Translation (translated and edited with an introduction and notes), Nazrul’s Aesthetics and Other Aspects (essays), In Blissful Hell (translation). Wedding and Wild Kite (translation), Bangla Academy Journal (edited), Poiema (edited). Nazrul Institute Journal (edited). Methodology : Valuation of Identified TECs of Bangladesh. (research, Dhaka, 2006).
Identification, Valuation and Intellectual Property Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions of Bangladesh (2010) Published by WIPO (The World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva.)

Resume of

Mr. Mohammad Nurul Huda was born at Pookkhali, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh on September 30, 1949. His father is Mohammad Sekander and mother Anjuman Ara Begum.
He did his schooling at Eadgong, Cox's Bazar and passed the secondary school certificate examination in first division, placed second in order of merit in Comilla Board in the year 1965. Later he did his graduation (BA Hons) and post-graduation (MA) from Dhaka University in English Language and Literature between 1970 and 1973. He satrted his career as a teacher, first in a college (for 5 years) and then in Dhaka University, though for a brief while.
He joined Bangla Academy in its translation division in the capacity of an assistant director on December 1, 1973. Since then he worked there in various capacities that include deputy director, language and literature section, deputy director, marketing and sales promotion section, executive editor, Bangla Academy Patrika (research journal published in Bangla), executive editor, Bangla Academy Journal (published in English), member-secretary, Amar Ekushey Granthamela (the biggest bookfair held in February), director of Bangla Academy, looking after its establishment, planning and training division as well as working as project director, Young Writers Project of the Academy. In 1996, he joined as the Executive Director (Head of the Organisation) of Nazrul Institute, a national organization for research and promotion of various aspects of the life and works of Kazi Nazrul Islam, the National Poet of Bangladesh. There he edited Nazrul Institute Journal (English) and Nazrul Institute Patrika (Bangla). He also worked as Member-Secretary, National Committee for Celebrations of Birth Centenary of Kazi Nazrul Islam (1998-2000). Mr. Huda retired from his service in Bangla Academy on 30th September 2007 as its senior-most Director and he was looking after its research library in the capacity of chief librarian before his Leave-Prior-Retirement on 30th September 2006. At present he is working with WIPO (Geneva) as its consultant for Bangladesh chapter. Mr. Huda is also teaching English in Darul Ihsan University, Dhaka.
A leading creative writer of the country, he is particularly acclaimed as ‘jatisattar kobi’ or the poet of national identity. A versatile writer, he is also widely known as an essayist, literary critic, translator, folklorist and IPR-specialist for copyright and traditional cultural expressions. Mr Huda has also published two novels that brought him fame of a fiction writer with a difference. His Janmajati (Birthrace) published in February 1994 is being acclaimed as 'an open-ended postmodern novel signaling a significantly newer turn in the world of Bangla fiction'. The novel is also remarkable for its discovery of a unique folk universe, the background being the Lusai hills and the vast coastal area with a rare geographical setting of sea and hills and plains. The theme of this novel revolves around the genesis of mankind, emphasizing on the sexual behavior of the primitive dwellers of this part of the world as well as reexamining both the Biblical theory and Darwin's proposition of man's coming to this earth.
Mr Huda's translation of famous Turkish Poet Eunus Emre's poems in collaboration with Mr Arshaduzzaman has been widely acclaimed at home and abroad. He has also translated Nazrul's famous poems entitled Kemal Pasha and Wardrum into English. He was decorated with state honour as an outstanding personality contributing to the promotion of Turkish-Bangladesh relations by His Excellency S. Demirel, the President of Turkey during his Bangladesh visit marking the silver jubilee celebration of independence of Bangladesh on 25 March 1997.
The number of Mr Huda's published titles (book-length) exceeds 100, of which 50 are poetry (including his selected poems, love poems, nationhood poems etc), 9 essays and literary criticisms, 3 novels, 1 biography, 5 translations and the rest are compiled and edited ones. A list of his selected publications is given separately.
A prolific writer with commendable contribution to various branches of literature, Mr Huda is best known as a poet. He is a recipient of Bangla Academy Literary Award, the most coveted one in Bangladesh, for his overall contribution to Bangla literature. Honors he received also include Alaol Literary Award (for poetry), Jessore Literary Award (for poetry), Abul Hasan Poetry Award, Cox'sBazar Medal (for total conrtibution), Humayun Qadir Memorial Prize (for fiction), Ahsan Habib Poetry Prize, Nazrul Foundation (Calcutta) Award (for contribution to Nazrul study and research), Cox's Bazar Literary Academy Award (for total contribution), Poet Sukanta Award (for poetry), Cox’s Bazar Medal (2004), Mahadiganta Poetry Award (Calcutta), 2007 etc. In 1995 he was declared the Poet of International Merit by ISP (International Society for Poets), Maryland, USA and nominated as the Poet of the year 1995 by the same organization. His poems are translated and published in other languages including English, French, German, Russian, Persian, Urdu, Hindi and Arabic. He is also recognized as a contributor in some international literary journals including International Quarterly, Newyorker and Tri-Quarterly.
Mr Huda attended the Young Writers Conference of Asia and Africa held in Alma Ata in 1979. He worked as a research-intern in ICC, East-West Center, Hawaii from 1 October 1985 to 31 March 1986. His book ‘Flaming Flowers : Poets’ Response to the Emergence of Bangladesh’ grew out of his research in Hawaii during this period.
He visited India in 1992-93 as a member of an official delegation. Besides, he has attended a number of literary seminars and conferences at home and abroad.
In 1994 he formally entered into the field of folkloric study and research. This year he was invited to attend the 1994 annual meeting of American Folklore Society in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. He participated in the conference and became a member of American Folklore Society.
In 1995 he also participated in the 1995 annual meeting of American Folklore Society in Lafyatte, Louisiana, USA and presented a paper on 'Egg Phenomenon of Creative Process and Personlore'.
In 1995 he attended the Conference of International writers held in Islamabad, Pakistan.
In 1996 he attended the conference of ISFNR (International Society for Folk Narrative Research) held in Beijing and presented a paper on Jari, a song-narrative from Bangladesh.
In 1998 he attended the ISFNR congress in Goten Gen, Germany and presented an article on 'Transcultural Elements in the Folk Poems of Bangladesh'.
In 2003 he presented his article and led a discussion on the 'Island Narrative of Bangladesh' in the ISFNR congress held in Visby, Sweden as leader of Bangladesh delegation.
In 2004 he participated in the WIPO Asia-Pacific Regional Seminar on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources (GRTKF) held at IIPTI (KIPO) in Daejeon Metropolitan City, Daeduk, South Korea from October 11 to 13 and contributed substantially in drafting the technical findings and conclusions of the seminar. He presented the Bangladesh country paper dwelling on the status of prior arts there. He chaired a session and gave vote of thanks on behalf of the participants from Asia-Pacific countries.
From May 25 to June 04 Mr. Huda participated in the ‘Third Session of the intergovernmental meeting of experts on the preliminary draft convention on the protection of the diversity of cultural contents and artistic expressions’ as an expert and delegate nominated by the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Mr. Huda actively took part in various participatory interactions during this meeting and made significant contribution in finalizing the convention based on an earlier text known as Cape Town version. This conference was organized by UNESCO at its headquarters in Paris.
Mr. Huda was the convenor of a 5-member Committee for drafting Copyright Rules 2005. This committee was formed by the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. Both the English and Bengali versions of the updated rules were prepared and a comparative study with the earlier rules (Copyright Rules 1967) were submitted to the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, GOB, for necessary action. This rule was approved by the government in due course and published by the government as 'Copyright Rules, 2006'.
Mr. Huda is also working with various aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and the problems of identifying its owners in various sectors at Bangladesh. He is particularly interested in developing guidelines for protecting the Intellectual Property Rights of the traditional knowledge and cultural expressions of Bangladesh, since GRTKF (Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore) are essentially community-based and IP Rights for a community that seems to be linked to the life of the concerned community in the least is not protected in Bangladesh by any existing legal instruments, protocols and any other legal document. He is writing articles on this issue in our daily newspapers as an attempt of creating awareness among concerned stakeholders and beneficiaries in general. He has also conducted a survey into the existing status of our tangible and intangible traditional cultural expressions, including the genres of indigenous cultures belonging to more than forty-five communities in Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHTs) and other areas of Bangladesh. He conducted the study as a commissioned Consultant of WIPO.
From November 30 to December 10 he joined the WIPO general meeting in Geneva and made power presentation of his study and a report on the Customary law and practices of indigenous communities of Bangladesh.
On April 17-18, 2007 he presented this voluminous study before a two-day long workshop (jointly organized by Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Bangladesh and WIPO, Geneva) in Dhaka (Hotel Radisson Water Garden).
He has presented articles on enforcement of copyright in musical and software sectors of Bangladesh in a series of workshops held in Dhaka (November, 2007).
He has presented the country paper on Bangladesh copyright situation in the `WIPO Regional Colloquium on intellectual property education, training and research' organized by
the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the National Intellectual Property Office of Sri Lanka (NIPO) and with the assistance of the Japan Patent Office (JPO)at Colombo, Sri Lanka, from November 24 to 26, 2008.
On Nov 13-14, 2009 he attended a two-day seminar held in New Delhi and presented an article on instruments of IP protection of TK and TCEs, on an official invitation by WIPO and FICCI.
On 17 August 2009 he also presented a seminar on 'Copyright and Related Rights : The Legal Framework in Bangladesh' in a weeklong workshop on Intellectual Property Situation in Bangladesh under a project organized by Bangladesh Patent, Design and Trademark Office in collaboration with WIPO.
He has rendered the Bengali texts of Copyright Act 2000 (amendments of 2005 incorporated) and Copyright Rules 2007 into English being assigned by the Copyright Office, Bangladesh.
Mr. Huda has contributed many articles on folklore in Bengali and English. Some of his articles on traditional sports and other genres of Bangladesh folklore (Balikhela, Games and Contests, Pathkavita) have appeared in a very prestigious publication entitled as 'South Asian Folklore : An Encyclopedia' edited by Margaret A. Mills, Peter J. Klaus and Sarah Diamond and published by Routledge from New York and London.
On September 30 he reached his 60th year Birth anniversary, marking which a number of celebrations took place around the country. Literary pages of some national dailies have published articles on his works. Some literary journals have published special issues on him.
Attended a two-day seminar in Katmandu on May 5-6, 2010 and present articles of the IP protection issues of TK and TCEs with a view to augmenting the economic conditions of LDCs on invitation from LDCs Div., WIPO, Geneva.
Attended a seminar as scheduled speaker of TCEs and IPRs of Bangladesh in a WIPO seminar held in Dhaka in July, 2010.
Attended a festival in Tehran, Iran, from Sept 3 to Sept 13, 2010 on Ramadan Culture in Muslim countries.
A cultural and literary activist, he is now working as President, Bangladesh Writers Club, the foremost organization of the practicing creative writers of Bangladesh. At present he is leading a folk-based research organization called LokBangla and a poetry organization called KabitaBangla. He is also the key-person in organizing the Darianagar Kabitamela (Darianagar Poetry-fair) as an annual event of poets from Bangladesh and beyond on the sandy beach of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Mr. Huda resides in Dhaka. His present mailing address : 117, Shantibag, Dhaka 1217. Phones 9352825 (residence), 01711 545173 (mobile), e-mail : hudamno4@yahoo.com

Publications by Mohammad Nurul Huda
Poetry Books
1. Shonite Somudropath (1972)
2. Amar Soshotro Shobdobahini (1975)
3. Shobhajatra Dravidar Proti (1975)
4. Ognimoyee He Mrinmoyee (1980)
5. Amra Tamate Jati (1981)
6. Shukla Shakuntala (1983)
7. Jesus Mujib (1984)
8. Nirbachito Kobita (1985) selected poems in Bengali
9. Honolulu O Onyananyo Kabita (1987)
10. Kusumer Phona (1988)
11. Baro Bochorer Golpo (1988)
12. Ek Jonome Lokkho Jonmo (1988)
13. Galiber Kache Khomaparthonapurbok (1989)
14. Ami Jodi Jolodas Tumi Jolodashi (1990)
15. Priyankar Jonyo Pongtimala (1992)
16. Jatisottar Kobita ( 1992) poems on nationhood
17. Yunus Emrer Kobita (1992) translations
18. Orokkhito Somoy (1993)
19. Telapoka (1993) rhymes
20. Bhindeshi Premer Kobita (1993) translations
21. Bhalobasar Bukpokete (1994)
22. Digonter Khosa Bhenge (1994)
23. Premer Kobita (1994) love poems
24. Lesbian Clouds and Other Poems (1994)
25. Bangla Academy Choraye Bornomala (1994) rhymes
26. Priyo Pangtimala (1995)
27. Amar Kopaleo Somoyer Bhaiphonta (1995)
28. Mouladhunik (1995)
29. Mujibbari (1996)
30. Amar Churanta Shobdo Bhalobasa (1998)
31. Dekha Hole Eka Hoye Jai (1998)
32. Sicorax (1999)
33. Adishto Hoyechhi Ami Dirgho Jagorone (1999)
34. Smiritiputra (1999)
35. Hazar Kobita (2000) One Thousand Poems collected
36. Kabyo Somogra (2001) Collected Poems
37. Darianogor Kabyo (2001)
38. Swadhinatar Chora (2001) rhymes
39. Pakhir Chora (2001) rhymes
40. Satbhai Chompa (2001) rhymes
41. Rajar Poshak (2001) rhymes
42. Chander Buro Chander Buri (2001) rhymes
43. Byangkumar (2001) rhymes
44. Selected Poems (2003)
45. Padmaparer Dheusoar (2004)
46. Sursomudro (2005)
47. Punyobangla (2005)
48. Quorankabyo (2005) (Translation of Ampara in verse)
49. Somoi Maranor Golpo (2006)
50. Ami Ekti Khas Prajapatra Chai (2007)
51. Sunitir Janya Kavita (2008, in print)
52. Babar Path (Rhymes, 2008)
53. Amar Sahas Nei Sundarke Toka Mere Uriye Debar (2009
54. Shat Bacharer Kabita (2009)
55. Jhaudariar Dana (2010)

Essay, Research and Narrative Prose
56. Shortoheen Shorte (1981) essays on literature and aesthetics
57. Lokkhon Songhita (1982) Homoeopathic Matera Medica
58. Bhesojo Udbhid (1982)
59. Flaming Flowers : Poets' Response to the Emergence of Bangladesh (1994) essay
60. Rabinroprokriti O Onyanya Probandha (1988) Essays on literature and aesthetics
61. Sartre O Onyanya Prosongo (1993) literary essays
62. Praner Minar Shahid Minar (1994) prose description for juvenile
63. Srishtishilota O Onnanya (1999) essays
64. Nazrul's Aesthetics and Other Aspects (2001) essays
65. Nandonik Nazrul (2001) essays on Nazrul
66. Identification, Valuation and Intellectual Property Protection of Traditional Cultural Expressions of Bangladesh ( A draft report of about 500 pages submitted to WIPO, Genva in January 2005)
67. Methodology : Valuation of Identified TECs of Bangladesh. Trial pint 2006, Lokbangla, Dhaka.
68. Methodology : Valuation of Identified TECs of Bangladesh. Trial pint 2006, Lokbangla, Dhaka.
69. Identification, Valuation and Intellectual Property Protection of Traditional Cultural Expression of Bangladesh (2010) Published by WIPO (The World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva.)

Fiction, Travelogue and Prose
70. Mohanobi (1983) biography for children
71. Jonmojati (1994) novel based on history and legends
72. Bastuhara (1994) a novel based on Flannery O'Connor's story
73. Moinpahar (1995) a novel based reality and legends
74. Chotoder Nazrul Jibani (2001) biography for children
75. Chotoder Rabindra Jibani (2001) biography for children
76. Chotoder Begum Rokya (2001) biography for children
77. Chotoder Jibanananda Das (2001) biography for children
78. Chotoder Michael Madhusudan Datta (2001) biography for children
79. Monpoboner Nao (2005) travelogue
80. Pariser Dinratri (2008) travelogue
81. Kishore Somogro (2010)

82. Poribortaner Pothe (1972) essay
83. Agamemnon (1987) drama
84. In Blissful Hell (1993) novel
85. Flannery O'Connorer Golpo (1997) stories
86. Romeo Juliet (1998) Shakespeare’s story retold
87. Neel Somudrer Jhor (1998) Shakespeare’s story retold
88. Wedding and Wild Kite (2001)
89. Hason Raja (Subtitles of a film, 2001)

Books edited and compiled
90. Kobi Madhusudhan (1984) editor, collection of essays
91. Kovita 1390 (1984) editor, collection of poetry
92. Shahid Buddhijibi Sharane Kobitaguccha (1984) editor, collection of poetry
93. Humayun Kabir Racanabali (1984) editor, collected works of Humayun Kabir
94. Kobita 1391 (1985) editor, collection of poetry
95. Abul Hasaner Ogronthito Kobita (1986) one of the three editors of Abul Hasan's poetry collection.
96. Bangladesher Nirbacita Kobita (1988) editor, Selected Poems from Bangladesh
97. Homoeopathy Paribhasha (1989) one of the two compilers
98. Kobita : GonoAndolan (1991) editor, collection of poetry
99. Tales to Tell (1991) editor and compiler of a supplementary Reader in English for secondary level
100. Stories for the Young (1991) editor and compiler of a supplementary Reader
in English for secondary level
101. Bangla Academy English-Bengali Dictionary (1993) a compiler
102. Shotabdir Sreshtho Premer Pongkti (1995) editor, best love poems of the century
103. Songkhipto Bangla Obhidhan (1995), a compiler of this dictionary
104. Jatiya Prjaye Nazrul Janmabarshiki Udjapan Smarakgrantha 1996 (1996)
105. Nazrul : An Evaluation (1997)
106. Nazrul Sangeeter Swaralipi Sangkalan (1997)
107. Adi Rekordbhittik Nazrul Sangeeter Bani Sangkalan (1997)
108. Nazruler Nirbachito Prabandha (1997)
109. Nazruler Harano Ganer Khata (1997)
110. Poetry of Kazi Nazrul Islam in English Translation (1997)
111. Nazrul Barshapanji (1998, 1999)
112. Janmashatabarshe Nazrulke Nibedita Kabita (1999)
113. Nazruler Maktab Shahitya (2001)
114. Nazruler Langal (2001)
115. Shatabdir Shreshtho Premer Kabita (Love poems edited, 2005)
116. Religious Study (English translator) for Class VI and V (2006, Bangladesh Text Book Board)

Journals-Magazines edited and compiled
117. Poiema (1980) editor, poetry magazine in English
118. Bangla Academy Patrika ( 1983-1992) executive editor
119. Studies ( a bulletin on folklore from ICLCS, Dhaka, 1995) editor
120. Kobita Club (little magazine, 1995), editor
121. Nazrul Institute Patrika (from 1996 August to January 2001)
122. Nazrul Institute Journal (from August 1997 to January 2001)
123. Bangla Academy Journal (1983-2006 Sept.) executive editor

Mohammad Nurul Huda
Setember 20, 2010 Dhaka.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

দরিয়ানগর কবিতামেলা ১৪১৬

যোগদিন ...

২য় দরিয়ানগর কবিতামেলা ২০১০
দরিয়ানগর কবিতামেলা
৪, ৫ ও ৬ ডিসেম্বর ২০১০ খ্রি.